Monday, 26 August 2019
New Developments in International Police Missions
Dr. Christoph Ehrentraut,
Assistant Chief Constable Joachim K. Haack,
Division B 4, International Border Police Matters
Federal Ministry of the Interior, Building and Community, Berlin
Tuesday, 27 August 2019
Duty of Care
Dr. Astrid Irrgang,
Center for International Peace Operations (ZIF), Berlin
German Police Project Team in Afghanistan
Brigadier General Lars Gerdes,
Head of German Police Project Team in Afghanistan
UNSOM Somalia
Police Commissioner Meinolf Schlotmann,
United Nations Assistance Mission in Somalia (UNSOM)
The New UN Police Training Architecture for the Implementation of the Strategic Guidance Framework
Amod Gurung,
Senior UN Police Training Advisor
UN Standing Police Capacity, Brindisi
Common Defense and Security Policy as part of EU's Integrated Approach in Crisis Management - a Case Study on the Central African Republic
Lieutenant Colonel Swen Heinrichs,
Deputy Assistant Chief of Staff G9 (civil-military cooperation) of I. German-Netherlands Corps, Münster
Wednesday, 28 August 2019
Frontex: Joint Operations of the European Border and Coast Guard
Carsten Simon,
Head of Risk Analysis Unit
Frontex, Warsaw
Panel Discussion: The UN and International Police Missions - The Way Ahead
Deputy Police Commissioner Stefan Feller,
Federal Foreign Office, Berlin
Major General Christoph Buik,
Director UN Standing Police Capacity, Brindisi
Police Commissioner Meinolf Schlotmann,
UNSOM, Somalia