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Prof. Dr. Lange

Prof. Dr. Hans-Jürgen Lange

  • President of German Police University (DHPol) until 30. June 2024
  • Scientific Director of the Rhine-Ruhr-Institute for Social Research and Policy Consulting (RISP) at Duisburg-Essen University
  • Head of the polikon research group (Political Control and Conflict Management), a research group at the Rhine-Ruhr-Institute (RISP) at Duisburg-Essen University
  • Speaker of the Interdisciplinary Working Group on Internal Security (AKIS) and of the Working Group on Policy Analysis of Internal Security of the German Association for Political Science (DVPW)
  • Editor of the publication series on “Internal Security Studies” in the Springer VS publishing house
  • Editor of the publication series on “Forum for Administration and Political Science” in the Springer VS publishing house.

Professional Career



Scientific Working Associations and Cooperations

Editor of the following publication series and journals

Interdisciplinary Working Group on Internal Security (AKIS)