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According to § 33 DHPolG, the German Police University has the right to award doctorates.

Application for acceptance of a doctoral procedure

The application for acceptance of a doctoral procedure must be submitted to the doctoral committee in writing, along with the documents listed in the leaflet (among other items including a current official certificate of good conduct). The application must also be accompanied by the supervisor's declaration of willingness to supervise the candidate. DHPol university professors or habilitated university lecturers who are scientifically active in the field of the doctoral project are entitled to supervise a doctoral project.

Applications for acceptance of a doctoral procedure should be addressed to the office for doctoral studies:

Office for doctoral studies:

Frau Dr. Mechthild Hauff
Zum Roten Berge 18-24
48165 Münster

E-Mail: mechthildhauffdhpolde

Application for initiation of the examination procedure

The application for the initiation of the examination procedure must be submitted in writing to the office for doctoral studies:

Office for doctoral studies:

Frau Dr. Mechthild Hauff
Zum Roten Berge 18-24
48165 Münster

E-Mail: mechthildhauffdhpolde

Completed PhD Theses


Evers, Michael (Dr. rer. publ.): „Analytische Ermittlung der Arbeitsmotivationen von deutschen Polizeibeamten im höheren Dienst unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des Konzepts der Public Service Motivation“

Gutschmidt, Daniela Melanie (Dr. phil.): „Belastungen im Polizeiberuf und polizeikulturelle Werte – Eine gesundheits- und sozialpsychologische Betrachtung“

Heusler, Benedikt (Dr. phil.): „Tactical Gaze Control and Visual Attention Training in Law Enforcement“

Schwalbe, Marc (Dr. rer. publ.): „Terminus technicus Organisierte Kriminalität – Omnis determinatio est negatio“


Gios, Lorenzo (Dr. rer. publ.): "Resilience and Strategy Execution in Public Organizations"

Josten, Ralf Wilhelm (Dr. iur.): "Strukturprinzipien der Sparkassenverfassung - Historie, Zeitgeschichte, Perspektive"

Maaske, Inga (Dr. iur.): „Smart-TV aus datenschutzrechtlicher Perspektive - Anforderungen und Gestaltungsoptionen für den rechtskonformen Einsatz intelligenter Fernsehgeräte“

Nägel, Christof Robin Eduard (Dr. phil.): "Going beyond personal encounters. Contextual determinants of police legitimacy"

Schmidt, Sandra (Dr. rer. publ.): „Alltagserleben in einer Zwangsgemeinschaft: Frauen in Haft.“


Esch, Heike (Dr. phil.): "Nekrophilie –Eine qualitative Analyse nekrophiler Handlungen unter besonderer Berücksichtigung proximaler und distaler Faktoren"

Kalb, Inke (Dr. iur.): "Das Vorrangprinzip im Spannungsfeld der Rechtsprechung des EuGH und des BVerfG vor dem Hintergrund ihres Verständnisses des Unionsrechts. Schriften zur Rechtswissenschaft. Berlin: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Berlin WVB"


Barth-Farkas, Katerina Ophelia Faye (Dr. rer. pol.): „Leadership and power in police organizations – Empirical studies on leadership style, leader prototypicality, and gender"

Jablonowski, Lara (Dr. rer. pol.): "Modernes Personalmanagement in der Polizei in Zeiten des demografischen Wandels"

Kosin, Christina (Dr. iur.): "The Attribution of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment in the Private Sphere to a State under the European Court of Human Rights and the Committee against Torture"


Krüger, Katrin (Dr. rer.publ.): “Employment appraisals and their implications for Thuringian police officers. Aspects of jurisprudence, procedures and possibilities of reorientation"

Nüßer, Marc (Dr. iur.): "The distribution of responsibilities and competences at the level of giving orders for selected repressive measures as well as in the context of cumulative stresses and strains and their significance for the police forces at federal and state level - A concept for the police to more effectively safeguard the fundamental right of judges to administer justice".

Xie, Bing (Dr. rer. Pol.): “Application of controlling instruments in China with special consideration of cultural factors".


Hartmann, Martin (Dr. rer. Publ.): "Performance rating in the police force"


Lichtenthalter, Philipp W. (Dr. phil.): “Promotion- and prevention-focused job crafting: Antecedents, outcomes, and processes“


Bürger, Bernd (Dr.rer.publ.):“ Shift models for the police patrol. An interdisciplinary analysis using the example of the Bavarian Police".

Dalby, Jakob Nimrod (Dr. iur.): “Opportunities, challenges and opportunities for law enforcement agencies on the Internet, taking into account measures relating to "cloud storage

Scheffczyk, Björn (Dr. rer.pol.): “Staff recruitment, staff development and institutional health management in the police and military police force of the German Federal Armed Forces".

Schmelzer, Alexander (Dr. rer. publ.): “Security federalism in a state of emergency. The deployment of the Federal Police to support the Länder in accordance with the principle of federal loyalty"


Katzidis Christos (Dr. rer. Publ.): "Legal framework regulations in connection with police officers who no longer meet the special health requirements of law enforcement officers".


Kölling, Katharina (Dr. rer. pol.): “The introduction of official health management against the background of demographic change. Police culture as a determinant of organisational change".

Shavers, Christine Marie (Dr. iur.): “Criminal law dealing with hate crimes – functional comparative law – Germany vs USA” 

Zaremba, Ulrike (Dr. iur: ”On the legitimacy of changing the purpose of data preventively and repressively collected by the police for police purposes”


Pellengahr, Friederike Ursula (Dr. iur.): “Data protection in European police cooperation - fundamental right issues of the Prüm Decision and its translation into national law".


Shinwari, Zangah (Dr. iur.): “Linking common foreign and security policy and development cooperation under the aspect of state-building measures shown by the example of the CSDP Mission Eupol Afghanistan".


Explanations and notes