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DHPol is an interdisciplinary university with a framework concept based on administrative sciences. Its 17 organisational units are organized under the umbrella of three departments, in which academic and police-related units are combined along similar thematic lines.

Administrative and Police Sciences Departments

The Administrative and Police Sciences branch covers three thematically oriented departments comprising their organisational units and the Ethics / Professional Ethics Unit of DHPol. The departments are supported in their work by the Departments’ Administration Offices (FBV) in terms of teaching and didactics (FBV I), by the Departments’ Further Education Office (FBV II), the Research Funding Office (FBV III) as well as the Event Management/Conference Office (FBV IV).

The DHPol departments’ conference takes the fundamental decisions for fulfilling the tasks of the "Administrative and Police Sciences" departments. It comprises the heads of the organisational units, the research unit and the specialist unit as well as the departments’ administration offices. The university’s President, Vice-President, the Head of the University’s Administrative Division, the Head of the Police Technological Institute and the spokesperson of the students take part as advisors.

The spokesperson of the lecturers is responsible for the implementation of the resolutions of the departments’ conference. In cooperation with the departments, he/she is responsible for the technical coordination within the Administrative and Police Sciences departments. He/she gives the necessary instructions to ensure that the range of courses is complete and that the teaching, examination and evaluation obligations are met.